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Broadway PCC Appeal

Thank you for looking at our appeal page for

St Michael's and St Eadburgha's Churches.


The PCC wanted to take this opportunity to inform you about the situation our local Anglican churches are in financially and the impact this will have on our churches and village.


At Christmas we wrote to our Electoral Roll informing them of how Covid-19 impacted our church finances and recently had an article published in the Broadway Magazine.


How you can help?


We would be incredibly grateful if you would consider donating. There are various ways in which you can do this - donations can be made by: 


  • Join the Parish Giving Scheme - the Parish Giving Scheme is for anyone who would like to make a regular donation, monthly or annually

  • Send a donation via the ‘Donate to our churches’ button (Gift Aid included).

  • Cash* - in an envelope marked  ‘Broadway PCC Urgent Appeal’ posted to c/o The Vicarage, Church Street, Broadway WR12 7AE.

  • Cheque* - payable to ‘Broadway PCC’.

  • Online Banking Payment* - ‘Parochial Church Council Broadway’
    Sort code: 40-20-27  Account number: 21330268  


To DONATE please click on this button (Card Payments)


Donate Here

*If you would like to gift aid with your donation it allows us to claim back tax from the government increasing the value of your donation by 25%.


If you would like to discuss anything or have any fundraising ideas please contact 

Revd Shellie Ward (email or 01386 852352 or 07780002565),

Kevin Beasley (email or 01386 858672)


Recent Articles in the Press


Can the church cope with being broke?

by Giles Fraser


Financial crisis threatens Church’s strategic plans

by Hattie Williams


The C of E still needs clergy

by Stephen Cottrell


Clergy won’t be pushed out in cost cuts

by Hattie Williams

Safeguarding: Useful Information


As a Benefice we are committed to the safety and well-being of everyone who uses our churches. Please see our Safeguarding page for more information. If you have any concerns about safety and safeguarding, or would like to talk to someone about an issue, here are some useful contact numbers:


Vicar -  Rev’d Michelle Ward (Shellie)  Tel: 01386 852352 email:


Parish Safeguarding Officer -  Joan Reading     Tel: 01386 858148


Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser - Hilary Higton   Tel:  07495 060 869


Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor: Delia Stokes  Tel: 07376 374380


Childline: 0800 1111


Age Concern UK 0800 678 1602

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