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Broadway United Charities

Registered Charity No.227676

History of BUC


Broadway United Charities (BUC) is an active local organisation providing help and grants to local Broadway people.


For nearly 300 years the charity and its fore-runners have provided a conduit for Broadway people to express their gratitude for living in such a beautiful place and to help their less fortunate neighbours. The charity is run by volunteers and always welcomes bequests and requests for help.


The charity is an amalgamation of several bequests which have been made over the years, the most significant of which was the Sir Archibald Dennis Flower Trust which had purchased the Almshouses (5, 7 & 9 The Green) in 1939. These cottages are now administered by the Trustees of BUC.


The Trustees are authorised to make modest payments from the income of the charity, in various circumstances.


The assets of the Trust have arisen mainly as a result of generous bequests and legacies, over many years.  If you would be prepared to make a donation, or remember BUC in your will, the Treasurer is able to give details of how such arrangements can be made.




In 1965 the Charity Commissioners approved a scheme to administer all the ‘Broadway’ charities under the title of ‘Broadway United Charities’ and the funds were to be used for the general benefit of the poor of the parish. It included a long list of benefits, including gifts of coal!


In 1996 a resolution was passed which enabled the Trust to provide funds, items, services or facilities which may be calculated to reduce the needs, hardship or distress of persons registered in the parish of Broadway.


Today, the charity is listed by the Charities Commission as ‘providing subsidised housing, assisting the underprivileged and helping educational needs’.


Recent examples include:

Youth Charities and Broadway Schools

Individual educational grants,

subsistence and emergency funds






The Trustees are authorised to make appropriate payments from the funds.


If you, or a friend, have a need which you feel may be covered by the charity’s objectives, please contact the Treasurer.


The charity’s income is not large, but all requests will be considered and treated in a confidential manner.


5, 7 & 9 The Green


The cottages known as ‘The Almshouses’, pictured on the right, are owned and maintained by the Trust.


They are let out at reasonable rates and although small, they provide comfortable, convenient dwellings in the heart of the village.


Wills & Bequests


If you are one of the many people who leave bequests to charities in their will, please consider BUC.


Many wills these days incorporate ‘Letters of Wishes’ and may allow you to do this quite simply.


Over the years, the majority of donations to BUC have been from those who wished to remember Broadway and its people in their Will.


The common theme of these bequests is that they should be for the benefit of Broadway residents with specific needs.


Donations and bequests can be made anonymously and can, at the discretion of the Trustees, be used to help particular groups, causes or individuals that the donor may suggest, provided they fall within one of the categories defined in the objectives of the Trust.


Our Treasurer will be happy to provide information enabling us to help people in Broadway.


Gift Aid


If you are a UK tax payer and make a donation to BUC, we can claim back any basic rate tax you have paid.


This enhances your gift to us by 25%.


If you pay tax at higher rates, then any donation you make can be offset against your liability to higher rate tax on that gift.


Please ask the Treasurer for further information.


Data Protection Legislation


If you apply for a grant from us or make a donation, we will keep your details so we can contact you about our future activities and how we may be able to help you or how you can support us.


In accordance with GDPR if you wish to unsubscribe from our database please let us know.




Revd. Michelle Ward (ex officio)


Church Trustees

Mr Simon Pym Williamson (Chair)

Dr Joan Reading


Co opted Trustees

Mr Philip Whatmough (Clerk)

Mrs Ruth Davenport


Parish Trustees

Mr Kevin Beasley (Treasurer)

Councillor Nigel Robinson




c/o Kevin Beasley, Treasurer

59 Morris Road


WR12 7RD

Phone Number



BUC Leaflet to download

towerview by Becca Gleave (Crack the Lens)

Safeguarding: Useful Information


As a Benefice we are committed to the safety and well-being of everyone who uses our churches. Please see our Safeguarding page for more information. If you have any concerns about safety and safeguarding, or would like to talk to someone about an issue, here are some useful contact numbers:


Vicar -  Rev’d Michelle Ward (Shellie)  Tel: 01386 852352 email:


Parish Safeguarding Officer -  Joan Reading     Tel: 01386 858148


Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser - Hilary Higton   Tel:  07495 060 869


Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor: Delia Stokes  Tel: 07376 374380


Childline: 0800 1111


Age Concern UK 0800 678 1602

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