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Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding the people who use our churches is one of our highest priorities. We believe that everyone should be able to use our churches without fear of mistreatment or abuse. Each church council (PCC) has adopted the safeguarding policies issued by the Archbishops’ Council and these are reviewed each year. A summary of these policies can be found in the Safeguarding Handbook.


If you think something needs to be reported, there is a handy flowchart to help make sure safeguarding policy is followed.

The people listed below are some of the first people you may wish to contact if you have a safeguarding concern. Alternatively, you can contact the Vicar on 01386 852352.


If you are experiencing an emergency, contact the Police on 999.

If you have a non-emergency concern and want help or advice, you can contact the 101 number.


Other useful numbers are: 


Vicar -  Rev’d Michelle Ward (Shellie)  Tel: 01386 852352 email:


Parish Safeguarding Officer -  Joan Reading     Tel: 01386 858148


Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser - Hilary Higton   Tel:  07495 060 869


Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor: Delia Stokes  Tel: 07376 374380


Childline: 0800 1111


Age Concern UK 0800 678 1602


Safeguarding: Useful Information


As a Benefice we are committed to the safety and well-being of everyone who uses our churches. Please see our Safeguarding page for more information. If you have any concerns about safety and safeguarding, or would like to talk to someone about an issue, here are some useful contact numbers:


Vicar -  Rev’d Michelle Ward (Shellie)  Tel: 01386 852352 email:


Parish Safeguarding Officer -  Joan Reading     Tel: 01386 858148


Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser - Hilary Higton   Tel:  07495 060 869


Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor: Delia Stokes  Tel: 07376 374380


Childline: 0800 1111


Age Concern UK 0800 678 1602

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